Finding Smart Security Options for Your Home

Finding Smart Security Options for Your Home

Are You Looking To Increase Security At Your Hotel? 3 Benefits Of Using A Panic Button Alarm For Hospitality Staff

by Kim Miller

The hospitality industry is known for rolling out the red carpet for visitors from all over the world. While your staff likely enjoys being able to help each guest enjoy a luxury experience, there are known risks involved with having people with little-known backgrounds staying in the same place each night. Hotel staff members are vulnerable to serious dangers such as physical assault, robberies, and other crimes that threaten their wellbeing. Arming them with the tools that they need to stay safe and meet their responsibilities to the guests is easier when you use the benefit of setting up a panic button system for hospitality staff.

Reduce Staff Turnover Rates

People prefer to work in a safe environment. Hotels have some security risks that are difficult to eliminate. For instance, your hotel may maintain an unlocked front door 24 hours a day to accommodate late-night travelers. This means that anyone could walk in with very little warning, which might be a security flaw that a criminal takes advantage of. Having a panic button located nearby gives your front desk team comfort that makes it easier to continue working in their position. Your housekeeping crew and other team members will also want to continue working for your company when they know that their managers care about keeping them safe.

Respond Quickly to Both Staff and Guest Emergencies

A panic button alarm for hospitality staff can also include wearable devices that enable the ability for your on-the-floor team to respond fast to any emergency situation that arises. Since they frequently work in rooms and encounter guests, a panic button lets them call for help if they see a guest experiencing a potentially life-threatening situation. Pushing a button is also an ideal way to help your staff request emergency assistance during a moment where they may be panicked or do not want to alert a criminal to their response.

Establish a Positive Business Reputation

Word gets around fast about hotels that have high crime rates. The last thing you need is the negative press that comes from having yet another incident occur on your hotel's grounds or for someone to complain that they didn't feel safe in an online testimonial. Wearable panic alarms create a visible reminder to potential criminals that an emergency response can arrive within minutes. Even if you choose to use discreet panic buttons, the word will get around that your hotel is armed and ready to respond to protect the safety of everyone who visits your hotel.


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Finding Smart Security Options for Your Home

Hi there, my name is Fred Olels. Are you looking for ways to improve the security of your home? When I was in college, our neighbor had a near break-in and let us know so we could improve your security. That was the first time I had even thought about security improvements for our dwelling. With help from my roommates, we worked together to find smart ways to improve the security of our home. Through that process, we all developed a strong understanding of the leading security systems available on the market today. I want to share that knowledge with you all on this site, so please visit any time you want to learn more.
